Green Hydrogen - Solar Power to Hydrogen (The Future Is Here)
Fortune CP is a leading provider of turn-key project solutions to meet the needs of commercial, industrial and utility scale customers worldwide. We provide professional and international standard one-stop solutions throughout the lifecycle of solar systems including development, EPC, and O&M.
For more than 19 years the company has accumulated the necessary skills and experience to deal with complex and demanding engineering jobs. The company has track-record in more than 40 countries and performed tasks for high profile and demanding clients such as banks, oil companies, governments, EU, World Bank, telecom companies, UN agencies and more.
Our project life-cycle expertise includes:
Project Development
Operation and Maintenance (Asset Management)
Installation of projects is carried out directly by our personnel or a network of approved contractors world-wide. All major works are supervised by our own engineers, who also train local personnel in technology, installation and maintenance.
Systems are for residential, commercial and industrial applications. These include: