Green Hydrogen - Solar Power to Hydrogen (The Future Is Here)
Brief Description of Project Design, supply, and installation of solar power systems fo...
Brief Description of Project Design, supply, and installation of hybrid power systems f...
Brief Project Description The project involved engineering and supply of 45KW solar + d...
Fortune CP provides innovative renewable energy products and services in Pakistan. These include solar components (solar panels, inverters, batteries), off-grid and grid-tie solar systems for commercial, industrial and residential applications, battery energy storage systems, energy efficient LED lighting systems, solar water heating products, solar water pumping systems, mini grids and more.
Our scope includes:
Some of our projects include:
Our solar systems are used by prominent companies and organisations such as Government (various ministries), Banks, Oil companies, Factories, Telecom companies, Hotels, Farms, UN organisations, Mines, Schools, Hospitals, and others.
We work with partners regards the distribution of our products, installation and maintenance in Pakistan. If you would like to become one of our distributors, or you want to cooperate with us on your project, feel free to contact us.