Green Hydrogen - Solar Power to Hydrogen (The Future Is Here)
Supply and delivery solar powered fridges and freezers for use in rural areas in Sierra Leone.
Location: Sierra Leone
Year: 2007
This work involved the supply and delivery of solar powered fridges and freezers,complete with solar systems (Fortune CP solar panels, controllers and batteries). These fridges are used in rural areas in Sierra Leone – clinics and offices. Sundanzer165 Litre and 225 Litresolar fridges and freezers were supplied Freetown and other locations.
Benefits include access to refrigeration facilities by rural communities where electricity is not available and the generation of power from a renewable energy source so as to reduce carbon emissions.
We work with partners regards the distribution of our environmentally-friendly products, installation and maintenance in West Africa. If you would like to become one of our distributors, or you simply want to cooperate with us on a project, feel free to contact