Green Hydrogen - Solar Power to Hydrogen (The Future Is Here)
Brief Description of Project
Supply and delivery solar PV modules for the installation of water pumping systems in Giza Egypt
Location: Egypt
Year: 2013
Detailed Description
This project involved the design, supply and delivery of solar panels used for the installation of water pumping systems in Giza Egypt. The systems used 20KWp of highly efficient 230W Fortune CP polycrystalline solar panels. The systems were mounted on the ground on aluminum frames. Scope of work:
Fortune CP has vast experience in implementing EPC solar projects in Africa and worldwide. These include grid-tie (solar farms and rooftop) and off-grid systems for oil companies, telecom companies, government ministries, rural electrification and more. All system designs and material quality adhere to strict to international standards such as IEC, ISO, UL.
If you would like us to implement a project in Egypt, please contact our sales team