Green Hydrogen - Solar Power to Hydrogen (The Future Is Here)
Brief Description of Project
Design and supply of LED Floodlight systems for outreach programmes in West Africa
Location: Ghana
Year: 2011, 2015, 2018
Detailed Description
This project involved the design, manufacture and supply of energy efficient floodlights for outdoor outreach programmes, and high power spotlights for indoor programmes. Outreach programmes are held in Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa and other countries.
Scope of work:
Equipment included:
The organisation carries out outreach programmes that reach out to hundreds of thousands of people every year. The challenge faced was high operating costs – old technology like HPS lights consumed a lot of power thus expensive to run compared to LED lights that consume a small fraction of power. Fortune CP’s task was to provide LED lights that are energy efficient, but bright enough to cover an area larger than a football stadium.
Fortune CP implements solar and energy efficiency projects in the Africa and worldwide for top customers such as oil companies, telecom companies, government ministries and many more.
If you would like us to implement a project in Ghana, please contact our sales team –