Green Hydrogen - Solar Power to Hydrogen (The Future Is Here)
Brief Description of Project
Design, manufacture, supply and installation of off-grid solar systems for hospitals
Customer and Location: Norwegian Church Aid, Norway
Approx Value: $0.5million
Year: 2014
Detailed Description
This project involved the engineering, manufacture, supply and installation of off-grid solar power systems for powering 14 hospitals and clinics in Malawi.
Scope of work:
Equipment includes:
Benefits of the project include access to reliable electricity 24/7 in locations where grid power is not available, and use environmentally-friendly equipment. The project also benefits thousands of families that use the health facilities.
Fortune CP has vast experience in implementing EPC solar projects in Europe, Africa and worldwide. These include grid-tie and off-grid systems for oil companies, telecom companies, government ministries, rural electrification and more. All system designs and material quality adhere to strict to international standards such as IEC, ISO, UL.
If you would like us to implement a project in Malawi, please contact our sales team