Green Hydrogen - Solar Power to Hydrogen (The Future Is Here)
Design, supply and installation of solar systemsfor government teacher houses in rural areas.
Location: Mozambique
Year: Current
Fortune CP is implementing a solar project that will benefit thousands of teachers and other government employees in rural areas. The project involves the supply, installation and financing ofoff-grid solar systems to provide electricity to houses. Apart from powering LED lights, mobile phones, TVs, other energy efficient appliances such as solar fridges will also be provided. Fortune CP is partnering with a local bank in providing loan facilities thus making purchasing of the solar systems affordable. Teachers repay the loans over a period of up to 5 years.
Fortune CP implements solar and energy efficiency projects in the Africa and worldwide. Our solar systems are used by prominent companies and organisations such as Government (various ministries), Banks, Oil companies, Factories, Telecom companies, Hotels and others. The systems are used for electricity generation in residential buildings, commercial buildings, telecom BTS towers, rural electrification, schools and hospitals, farms and more.
We have a local office that sells products and carries out installation and maintenance in Mozambique. If you would like to become one of our distributors, or you simply want to cooperate with us on a project, feel free to contact