Green Hydrogen - Solar Power to Hydrogen (The Future Is Here)
Brief Description of Project
Design, supply, and installation of hybrid power systems for remote BTS sites for China Mobile
Customer and Location: China Mobile, Pakistan
Year: 2007
Detailed Description
This project involved the implementation of hybrid systems wind power (primary) coupled to diesel generators (emergency back-up) for telecom BTS sites. Originally the BTS sites were running purely on diesel generators, since they are based in remote areas. This was proving to be too expensive because of fuel cost, frequent service trips and loss of revenue when the sites were down. Each of the systems supplied used wind turbines with solar batteries, charge controllers, inverters and mounting frames. All systems were designed by Fortune CP engineers in United Kingdom.
Benefits include access to electricity 24/7 (for the BTS sites), no use of environment polluting diesel generators, and reduction of operating expenditure for the mobile phone company.
What made the project a success are factors such as Fortune CP’s experience in implementing solar projects in worldwide, strict adherence to international standards such as IEC, quality products used, and partnership with local distributor
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