Green Hydrogen - Solar Power to Hydrogen (The Future Is Here)
Brief Description of Project
Design, supply, project management, and installation of solar PV systems and solar water heaters.
Customer and Location: Royal Bafokeng Nation, Phokeng, Rustenburg
Year: 2014
Detailed Description
The project involved the installation of solar PV systems (electricity generation) and solar hot water systems (geysers) for houses located in Phokeng. The off-grid PV systems used Fortune CP polycrystalline solar panels, and batteries, charge controllers, inverters plus accessories. Each house is also equipped with a Fortune CP 80 Litre solar hot water system. All systems were implemented by Fortune CP local office in Johannesburg. As part of local enterprise empowerment a local installer (in Phokeng), identified by Royal Bafokeng Enterprise Development, was trained in system installation and maintenance.
This project was financed by Fraser Alexander a wholly owned mining company of Royal Bafokeng Holdings, as part of its corporate social responsibility.
Scope of work:
Equipment includes:
Fortune CP implements solar and energy efficiency projects in the Africa and worldwide. Our solar systems are used by prominent companies and organisations such as Government (various ministries), Banks, Oil companies, Factories, Telecom companies, Hotels and others. The systems are used for electricity generation in residential buildings, commercial buildings, telecom BTS towers, rural electrification, schools and hospitals, farms and more.
We have a local office that sells products and carries out installation and maintenance in Johannesburg South Africa. If you would like to become one of our distributors, or you simply want to cooperate with us on a project, feel free to contact us.