Green Hydrogen - Solar Power to Hydrogen (The Future Is Here)
Brief Description of Project
Design, supply and installation of solar systems: solar PV systems and solar water pumps
Customer and Location: Ministry of Education, Malawi
Value: $1.5 million
Year: 2006-2010
Detailed Description
This project involved the implementation of solar power systems in 40 rural secondary schools (classrooms, laboratories, hostels, offices). The systems used highly efficient Fortune CP polycrystalline solar panels, total 1.5MWh batteries, charge controllers, inverters and mounting frames. Other independent systems included solar water pumping systems for the provision of water to the schools. All systems were supplied by Fortune CP in United Kingdom, and the installation of the works was done by Global TV & Solar and Fortune CP Malawi. The project was funded by the African Development Fund.
The beneficiaries of the project are over 25, 000 pupils and teachers. As most of the rural communities in Malawi have no access to electricity, this project will have a lasting impact. Benefits include access to electricity and lighting 24/7 for studies, no need to use environment polluting diesel generators, access to clean water, and use of telecommunication equipment
What made the project a success are factors such as Fortune CP’s experience in implementing solar projects in Africa, strict adherence to international standards such as IEC, quality products used, and the partnership with local companies such as Global TV & Solar, SR Nicholas and others.
Fortune CP implements solar and energy efficiency projects in the Africa and worldwide. Our solar systems are used by prominent companies and organisations such as Government (various ministries), Banks, Oil companies, Factories, Telecom companies, Hotels and others. The systems are used for electricity generation in residential buildings, commercial buildings, telecom BTS towers, rural electrification, schools and hospitals, farms and more.
We have a local office that sells products and carries out installation and maintenance in Malawi. If you would like to buy products, or you simply want to cooperate with us on a project, please contact us.