Green Hydrogen - Solar Power to Hydrogen (The Future Is Here)
Fortune CP designs, manufactures, supplies and installs LED streetlights.
Solar powered streetlights are a cost-effective way of providing lighting in a city, town and even rural areas. Conventional streetlights (such as High Pressure Sodium, Metal Halide) cost a lot of money to run (electricity cost and maintenance). For solar powered ones, apart from the initial investment, there is no bill to pay and maintenance is minimal for the system lifetime – 20 to 25 years. Energy savings are in the range 50-70%.
System operation:
The system converts the sun’s energy into electricity and stores it to provide up to 12 hours of light plus 2-5 days of back-up energy in case of cloudy days. A microprocessor automatically activates switching on/off from sunset to sunrise. It also has a timer to regulate the hours the light stays on.
The applications for solar powered outdoor lighting systems are endless. These units can be used for: Security and safety lighting, rural area lighting, Dock lights, Park lighting, Parking lot lighting, Parkway lighting, Walkway lighting, Street lighting, Transit Lighting, Traffic control, Military and civil security etc.
LED Street Lights
Fortune CP LED streetlights are energy-saving products using high power LEDs as the light source. LEDs are very energy efficient since their consumption is much less than conventional lamps. LEDs also run for about 50,000 hrs. It is also possible to replace conventional AC streetlights with LED equivalent without adding solar panels.
Datasheet Links
60W All-In-One Solar Street Light