Green Hydrogen - Solar Power to Hydrogen (The Future Is Here)
Fortune CP Ltd designs, manufactures, supplies and installs innovative and highly efficient solar power systems. System sizes range up to 5KWp for residential and above 5KW to MW for commercial and industrial applications. All kit solar panels come with MCS Certificate (for UK) and generally IEC, TUV, UL certificates for all other countries.
Grid-tie solar power systems generate electricity and send it to the utility company’s power grid. This electricity can be used for self-consumption and/or sold under a Feed-In-Tariff programme. Grid solar systems are a very good investment because of energy savings (less electricity bought from grid), and the generous feed-in-tariffs paid for green power generated. There is also a new drive for energy storage (using batteries) – the concept is to store solar power during the day (off-peak) and use it at night (peak) thus avoiding to pay the utility company’s peak electricity rates.
– Residential
– Commercial and Industrial buildings – rooftop or ground-mounted
– Government buildings – schools, hospitals, offices
– IPP (Independent Power Producer) – large scale solar farms
Links to standard solar systems 1-5kw
-Little or no or electricity bills to be paid for 25 years
-Very good return on investment. While general electricity prices have been increasing solar panel prices have been reducing due economies of scale and technology improvement
-Energy independence—also no bill increases
-Proven technology, environmentally friendly
-Minimal maintenance required
-System sizes can be scaled up anytime
1.5KW, 2KW, 2.5KW, 3KW, 4KW, 5KW grid-tied solar systems – pdf link